We all have days off. Days when we feel down, tired, easily angered, and altogether sad, which is a normal human feeling to have.
The feeling of sadness could be a reaction to a challenging situation, losing a loved one, or even missed opportunities. These feelings could persist for a while and affect aspects of our daily lives if left unchecked.
Something to note is that sadness passes after a while, but depression is a mood disorder that can happen with no specific cause and can last for two weeks or more.
Being depressed can leave you feeling helpless and empty inside and interfere with every part of your life. Socializing, working, or just getting out of bed could take much more effort than usual.
Some Common Symptoms of Depression Include:
- Excessive sleep or lack of sleep
- Tiredness
- Loss of appetite or overeating
- Changes in weight
- Loss of interest in everything you love to do
- Crying bouts
- Withdrawal from people; family, and friends
- Feelings of pain all over with no physical cause
- Self-pity/Loathing
- Easily irritated
If you are experiencing any of the symptoms above, you may have mild depression. Although depression can get clinical, below are some things you can do to help your mental health.
Eating Healthy
What we eat has a lot of effects on our everyday lives. Eating healthy foods makes us feel healthy and can constantly have the energy to get up and face the day.
Eating junk, especially while feeling depressed, is usually not a good combination and could only make you feel even more terrible.
Avoid junk and snacks, and only eat food that nourishes and replenishes your energy. In addition, make sure you never skip a meal. Doing this could help you keep to a routine and avoid staying in bed all day, even if getting up to eat is all you can manage.
Stay Connected
Most people withdraw from their friends and family once they feel depressed because it often leaves them feeling like a burden.
It’s only the depression talking most times. There is nothing better than having people around who can help you deal with it and give you the feeling that you are not alone.
When you are feeling depressed, the best thing isn’t to withdraw. Socialize with people that matter to you. You do not necessarily have to talk to them, but the reassuring presence could be all you need.
You might also find out that they have been depressed themselves at one point or the other, and they might be able to relate and share what helped them get out of it.
Quality Sleep
A challenge faced during depression is sleep; you could either start to sleep too much or have trouble sleeping.
To maintain a quality sleep cycle, make sure that you keep a regular bedtime and waking-up schedule. Get into bright light soon after waking up to signal your brain that it is time to start the day.
Reducing alcohol intake will also help you get healthy sleep and wake up as refreshed as you can the morning after.
Be Kind to Yourself
One important thing to do during the depression is to be kind to yourself. Depression can have you feeling hate for yourself in no time.
Realize that it is not your fault that you are depressed, and let that compassion show in everything you do. Do not be too hard on yourself.
Exercise helps the body to stay more alert and active. When done in the morning, you can start the day with more energy, focus, and optimism than you can manage on your own.
In addition, you are more likely to eat healthily and stay active throughout the day after a morning workout. Exercising is a great way to fight some of the symptoms depression might bring.
If you are, however, having thoughts of suicide or death, your best bet would be to seek the help of a professional.