The Great Hunt (#2)

Umi B.
3 min readNov 6, 2021


Book 2 (The Great Hunt)

The second book in the series starts with a secret meeting between Ba’alzamon and dark friends. In attendance are two Aes Sedai, their identity unknown.

The Amyrlin Seat visits Fal Dara to see Moraine and her travel companions, and to confirm Rand al’Thor the Dragon Reborn. Rand tries to avoid the meeting for fear of getting stilled, but he failed. Lan Mandragon teaches Rand in swords fighting and standing up to the Amyrlin Seat.

Moraine questions Padan Fain and declares him worse than a darkfriend. A group of Aes Sedai are out to get Rand. Fal Dara loses status of safe haven as trollocs invade to aid Padan Fain’s escape. He carts away Mat’s dagger and the horn of Valere, with a message behind that Rand meets him at Toman Head, he intends to kill Rand there. Mat’s health deteriorates drastically without his dagger.

The party gets divided in two; Egwene and Nynaeve journeys with the Amyrlin Seat to Tar Valon to commence Aes Sedai training, Rand, Mat, Perrin and Loial, son of Arent, follows after Padan Fain with Lord Ingtar’s party to retrieve the horn and the dagger. There is an attempt on Rand’s life.

Padan Fain kills a Fade and dominates both trollocs and dark friends. Rand uses the portal stone unknowingly and transport himself and two other people to another world. There, they meet Selene who helps them navigate the world, and with her knowledge, gets them back. They arrived days ahead, laid an ambush for Padan Fain, and retrieved what he stole. Rand fantasizes about her.

Perrin takes Hurrin’s place of Lord Ingtar’s search party and with help from his wolf brothers, continued on Padan Fain’s track in the real world.

At Tar Valon, Nynaeve passes the test and is raised to Accepted, while Egwene becomes a novice trainee. They become friends with Elayne, the daughter heir of Andor, and Min.

Later, Liandrin of the Red Ajah tricked all four out of Tar Valon through to Toman Head where Egwene gets collared a damane; Aes Sedai who uses the one power as a weapon when commanded by her master. Min gets captured.

Rand’s party arrived at Cairhen where Rand gets gets tangled in the great houses’ games. He finds Thom Merrilin at a Lord’s party and invited him along.

Rand’s inn gets attacked and he lost the dagger and the horn again. Thom’s apprentice is murdered for Thom’s involvement with Rand. Ingtar’s party locates Rand and learn that the dagger and horn has been lost again. Rand uses the portal stone and ended up giving Padan Fain months ahead.

At Falme, Rand faces of the Higgh Lord of the Seanchan and escapes with the chest containing the horn and the dagger. At about the same time, somewhere in Falme, Elayne and Nynaeve rescues Egwene from her Sul’dam.

White Cloaks attacks the city, Rand and his crew are in the middle. Left with no other choice, Mat blows the horn, resurrecting the dead Artur Hawkin and his soldiers to their aid. Lord Ingtar confesses to being a dark friend and dies seeking salvation.

Rand fights Ba’alzamon and wins but gets wounded. He is proclaimed the Dragon Reborn by all.



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